Sunday, October 14, 2012

Dealing With Rejection Notices

Posted by T.S.Garp

Feeling rejected lately as you try to plug your new manuscript to literary agencies. Yes, I understand as I am currently seeking a good publisher for my latest book, and of course gaining my supply of rejection notices. But don't despair my fellow writers, this is quite common, and part of the writing process. Many famous authors in the past have all been rejected at one time or another and the key is to keep going until you are finally published. Erica Verrillo’s blog list some rejection notices from famous authors that should help to inspire writers to never give up.


Anonymous said...

Very interesting & encouraging post!! Thank you! I understand it too, how's the feeling of being rejected but it's part of it. Hey you're right, never give up. Stay strong & keep faith & keep your head up, there is always tomorrow and you never know that tomorrow might be yours soon. Wish you Good luck!! Take care always!