Never Let It Go
Posted by T.S.Garp
Make this month of January be the stepping stone to increasing your enthusiasm and motivate your writer’s mind into providing more inspiration by seeking out any and all things helpful such as family, friends, writing partners, acquaintances, peaceful surroundings, pleasant sounds, the latest informative articles, books, writing websites, news, all focusing on the subject of writing and developing your own writing career.
Make a new year’s resolution to expand your writing portfolio and writing goals. Be more productive in the direction your writing is going in and along the lines with your favorite niche and long-term goal as a writer. Attend more writing workshops, creative writing college programs, writing conferences, writing groups, and read other writer’s work. Be inspired and create a voice that not only tells the story, but sells it too. You have to believe in your own work for it to stand alone in an agents hands deciding if this manuscript passes the muster.
Go with renewed encouragement and enthusiasm. Make the writer’s list of things to do and finish before next year arrives. For writers, artist, and musicians, remember the song, the painted image, and the written words that are created solely by you are undeniably magical in its originality, rendering, and beautiful melody - T.S.Garp
Great advice, truly inspiring & encouraging kind words! Thanks for sharing & take care.
Useful post. We look forward for the next. Thanks.
Very enjoyable post. I like it. Looking for more. Thanks.
Nice work. I appreciate it. Looking for such useful future works. Thanks.
Good post. Keep going and be useful for others. Thanks.
Good job. Wants more relevant post. Thanks.
Nice article. Unique thinking. Thanks.
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