Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The City of Lights

Posted by T.S.Garp

This blog is rather late in coming, I know. After returning from The City of Lights and all points North and South across America I feel almost due for another break a month later. Too much to do and my brain is on overdrive. I was on vacation in May with friends and family a few weeks just before Finals, major weather changes, and beating the crowd as the rush of the Summer opens up with more tourist arriving this June.

The journey's landscape is breathtaking as always and the weather is a lot cooler this time around. Never one for being too idle when the heart graves freedom and the desire to explore the world we live in. From the desert to sea and enjoying every minute of it - T.S.Garp

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step - Lao Tzu