Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Snowflakes of Winter

Posted by T.S.Garp

There comes no surprise that magic falls during snowflakes at night.

Snowflakes falling in the dead of night

Sending me there like a shot of life

The way it shines, sparkle and glimmer,

Tumbling down upon a mid-winter wonder

Makes me feel alive, serendipity, and want to linger

Uplifting my soul higher

To a heavenly squire

Cascading over me, frozen crystals diamonds, melting at my touch

A frozen paradise, full of angels and fairies, no smaller than dust

Snowflakes full of magic on this long winters' night

I saw snowflakes dancing in the moonlight!


JANZ said...

nicely done! you are a great writer!

Anonymous said...

Very nice poem! Yes..he's really great POET & WRITER! Thanks for sharing, how are you now? hope you're always doing well, miss you my dear great friend.