Thursday, July 8, 2010


Posted by T.S.Garp

Sometimes we need a friend like Cupid to show the ones we love, how much love them.

Oh, Cupid……. Hear me true

This will not take long, I want to say to her, “I love you”

You know I can do…….

You know I will be true……

Cupid, god of love. I know your there

Come and please, and answer my prayer!

She is so beautiful, and if you saw her you would know too

Oh, Amor! Come help chase away these blues

I want tell to her this love is so true

The Greeks may call you, Eros!

Oh, Cupid! I know it’s you,

so shoot your arrows true!

She is so cute…….

I want to tell her but my voice is mute

Oh, Cupid. I know you can help me true

So I send this message of love to you!